Michael’s Heritage Floral is using UrnTrays

Michael’s Heritage Floral is using UrnTrays

An impressive display of over 50 red roses is designed in an UrnTray

Wow! What a gorgeous display of love with over 50 red roses in this UrnTray.  Very well done. Notice how much can fit in the UrnTray? These trays can hold a lot!

A blue and white floral arrangement using UrnTray has a box setting on the platform.










He also sent in pictures of this lovely, blue, sentimental UrnTray design. 




Michael’s Heritage Floral in Kansas City has been servicing the families in this area for a very long time with years of experience. He sees the value of using the UrnTray and we appreciate their support in showing how it creates easy and beautiful urn-wreaths. Thanks Michael for sharing your talents.

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