You've already seen various uses for an UrnTray, but this definitely coming in as one of our top favorites. UrnTrays are great for a number of things, and where they were originally designed for fresh-cut flowers, Rebecca (owner and founder) has reached even further and used LIVE PLANTS in this one!

How special would this be for the plant-lover's memorial, where the family could take it home to enjoy for months after their loved one's service?
Please notice the variety of smaller plants including sedum plugs, staghorn fern, woodland fern, spider plant, cypress tree, two succulents, pink nerve plant, and baby tears (which you'll see draping over one corner). There was plenty of soil in the pots and she didn't need to use any extra and even had some left over after everything was planted.
She used most of what was in these small pots, but separated out a few of the larger plants because there were several shoots that were large enough to stand on their own.
She didn't poke any drainage holes to avoid water leakage. This design lasted about 2 months with watering every few days by sprinkling the tops of the leaves and letting the water drip over the plants (she came in after watering with a paper towel to sop up the extra droplets). If you use this method be sure not to saturate it since there isn't any drainage. A gentle spritz with a spray bottle would probably do just fine too.
For long-term enjoyment (longer than 2 months) consider poking pin-sized holes in the bottom of the tray and fill it with a shallow layer of gravel or other small rocks before putting in plants and extra soil. Be sure to set it on a waterproof dish to avoid any water damage to whatever it will be sitting on.

We love how the centerpiece can be swapped out. This is a great option for a framed photo, seasonal decor, or even some fresh entrees! What would you put in the center of a live-plant UrnTray?