August 2024 Customer of the Month

August 2024 Customer of the Month

Is it August already?! Summer has flown by, and we hope you're all gearing up for a productive and successful Autumn Season.

This month we are tickled to share a bit about our customer of the month, Reed's Flowers of Waco, Texas. This was the design they entered for our 2024 Design Contest and we love that they really took a creative leap in using our R1516 tray. It is always a treat to see our products used in various ways, especially because they're versatility spans so much broader than funeral pieces. 

The R1516 is a great option for larger pieces and designs that need a lot more stem space in the back. The back reservoir has extra space for more foam will will allow for larger stems. The platform is 8.5" x 10" while allows for bigger display pieces like larger urns, statuettes, or, in this case, a personal waterfall! 

Laurie Watkins was the brains behind this lovely design, and we love the detail they included with the butterflies! This design was done in silk flowers, which will allow for years of enjoyment. Something of this caliber would make a great gift or a display for a showroom. 

Thank you, Reed's Flowers! We loved how you were able to use our tray for something so original and breathtaking. 

We're just thrilled with the concepts and execution we see through submissions from fellow florists using our UrnTrays. For more inspiration, check out previous blog entries and our Gallery. Please continue to share your designs with us, you may get picked to be our next customer of the month!
To be featured as our Customer of the Month, please submit your photos and details of your designs to amber@urntray,com
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