How to Foam the S12 Floral Wreath Tray
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3
1. Soak 2 bricks of wet foam (you'll only use 1 and 2/3 of them).
Cut one 9" foam brick (widest side down) in half to create 2 bricks- about 2" wide X 3" high (Foam works best if it has been soaked in water before use).
2. Cut 1/3 of the brick off of another 9" brick to create a 6" brick. Then cut the 6" brick in half lengthwise.

3. Insert the large 9" long brick sections onto the sides of the floral wreath tray and trim the corners to fit the tray and gently press the bricks down to the bottom of the tray.

Add the 6" short wet foam bricks into the remaining open sides of they tray and gently press them down to the bottom.
That is it! If you turn it upside down they will not fall out, if you measured and did it correctly. Yeah!

Now you're ready to add greens and flowers. Have fun designing!
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